Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Not a good morning.

So my perfect angel puppy got sick last night. She had two accidents in the living room and her crate was a mess this morning, and that is putting it mildly. Rick managed to give her a bath before he left for work and I got the pleasure of cleaning out the crate. Not an easy task for me with it being winter and all, no hose, and no stationary tub at our house.  Now, the poor puppy is confined to an area in the kitchen that keeps getting smaller by the minute because she is like Houdini, my little escape artist.

Did I mention Bennett had therapy this morning? His case worker was here, and someone from the school district to evaluate him. I would have cancelled if I could have. I might have been a little on edge this morning, but I am slowly getting over it. I felt really bad when Bennett's therapist came in and said how is Journey and Bennett replied with, "Mom's gonna give her back."

On a happy note, she hasn't had an accident yet today. She is comfortably sleeping on her doggie bed in the kitchen as we speak. We have puppy class tonight so I hope she is feeling better. She ate her breakfast and drank one bowl of water already this morning. Things are looking better, and the sun is shining brightly. What more could you ask for?

Marlene, the trainer, wanted me to post pictures of Journey in jail. She was so shocked Journey didn't try to eat my chairs.

1 comment:

  1. Still makes me laugh when I see this picture :):) The original x-pen !!
