Friday, April 15, 2011

Second Graders

To our little friends in Port Washington:

Dear Sr. Margie’s Second Grade Class,
We thought we would send you all an update on Bennett and Journey. Bennett and Journey are working well as a team. Bennett has his own leash now that he gets to hold when we take her for a walk. It’s bright green, his favorite color.
Journey will be starting a new dog class on Wednesday. It is for her Good Canine Citizen certification. That means that when she is done with it, she should be able to pass the test so she can be out in public and go wherever Bennett goes. All service dogs need to pass this test.
Here is a picture of Journey and Bennett working on training. Journey needs to lie still across Bennett’s legs. This is used if Bennett is at the doctor or if he is scared for some reason. Having Journey lay across his legs will help keep Bennett calm.

We have been spending a little time on training every day. Bennett is on a soccer team now, so we get a lot of training in on those days. Since Bennett cannot see so well, he has a bright yellow ball. Some children who have trouble seeing can use a soccer ball with a beeper in it. That way, they listen for the ball instead of using their eyes to find it. Bennett loves being part of a team. Soccer is fun for Journey too. Journey needs to sit still when Bennett is playing soccer. She cannot chase balls or kids when she is there. This can be hard for a dog sometimes. She is a very hard worker though and she is learning quickly. She loves going to soccer because anytime she is outside, she is happy.


We are looking forward to visiting with you after first Communion. Have a wonderful Easter.
Mrs. Lehman, Bennett, and Journey

Fund Rasing for a Great Cause

We got word a few months back that a second grade class in Port Washington was doing fund raisers for Journey and Bennett. What a blessing. Here are some of the ways we've kept in contact with them.

Dear Sr. Margie’s Second Grade Class,
We cannot thank you enough for thinking of Bennett for your service project this year. The money you have raised will help pay for Journey’s vet care and training on her road to becoming Bennett’s service dog. Bennett cannot see very well so Journey will help him get around safely. She will be his special friend when he goes places. Because she will be a service dog, she will be able to go anywhere Bennett goes, except for his school. Soon, she will get a harness that Bennett will hold on to when he walks. It will make it easier for him to make his way around new places. The training will take about a year.
Both Journey and Bennett are doing well together as a new team. Bennett loves laying on her pillow and cuddling with her whenever he can. We are very excited to have this puppy as a new part of our family.
Thank you again for thinking of Bennett. It makes our hearts happy.
Mrs. Lehman, Bennett, and Journey