Friday, April 15, 2011

Second Graders

To our little friends in Port Washington:

Dear Sr. Margie’s Second Grade Class,
We thought we would send you all an update on Bennett and Journey. Bennett and Journey are working well as a team. Bennett has his own leash now that he gets to hold when we take her for a walk. It’s bright green, his favorite color.
Journey will be starting a new dog class on Wednesday. It is for her Good Canine Citizen certification. That means that when she is done with it, she should be able to pass the test so she can be out in public and go wherever Bennett goes. All service dogs need to pass this test.
Here is a picture of Journey and Bennett working on training. Journey needs to lie still across Bennett’s legs. This is used if Bennett is at the doctor or if he is scared for some reason. Having Journey lay across his legs will help keep Bennett calm.

We have been spending a little time on training every day. Bennett is on a soccer team now, so we get a lot of training in on those days. Since Bennett cannot see so well, he has a bright yellow ball. Some children who have trouble seeing can use a soccer ball with a beeper in it. That way, they listen for the ball instead of using their eyes to find it. Bennett loves being part of a team. Soccer is fun for Journey too. Journey needs to sit still when Bennett is playing soccer. She cannot chase balls or kids when she is there. This can be hard for a dog sometimes. She is a very hard worker though and she is learning quickly. She loves going to soccer because anytime she is outside, she is happy.


We are looking forward to visiting with you after first Communion. Have a wonderful Easter.
Mrs. Lehman, Bennett, and Journey

Fund Rasing for a Great Cause

We got word a few months back that a second grade class in Port Washington was doing fund raisers for Journey and Bennett. What a blessing. Here are some of the ways we've kept in contact with them.

Dear Sr. Margie’s Second Grade Class,
We cannot thank you enough for thinking of Bennett for your service project this year. The money you have raised will help pay for Journey’s vet care and training on her road to becoming Bennett’s service dog. Bennett cannot see very well so Journey will help him get around safely. She will be his special friend when he goes places. Because she will be a service dog, she will be able to go anywhere Bennett goes, except for his school. Soon, she will get a harness that Bennett will hold on to when he walks. It will make it easier for him to make his way around new places. The training will take about a year.
Both Journey and Bennett are doing well together as a new team. Bennett loves laying on her pillow and cuddling with her whenever he can. We are very excited to have this puppy as a new part of our family.
Thank you again for thinking of Bennett. It makes our hearts happy.
Mrs. Lehman, Bennett, and Journey

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Puppy Prints

It’s been awhile since I have blogged so let me catch you up.

Journey started with her pinch collar last Wednesday at puppy class. Venture and Kipper, who are two other dogs in the program, were born on the same day as Journey and they have had the pinch collar for several weeks now. I hear it does wonders for some dogs. Without using words, just the collar, our trainer tried to get her to sit and lay down. Sitting wasn’t a problem, and then came the “down.” We will have more training with it before it is something we will use regularly.

Which brings us to today….
I was so proud of Journey when I let her out on the deck this afternoon. She laid there enjoying the unseasonably nice weather for quite a while. And then, I spotted it! A squirrel on her side of the fence! I casually walked to the patio door to observe what she would do to that poor squirrel. I did not have much faith in Journey that she would allow it to stroll around her yard without a bark. Boy was I wrong. Journey sat up and stared without a sound. After several minutes of the stare down, the squirrel ran up and tree and Journey laid back down to continue her sun bathing.
After some time outdoors, she came in with muddy paws making puppy prints all over the sunroom carpet and the kitchen floor. I grabbed a bucket of water and she let me soak her feet individually in the bucket until the mud was gone, until next time she goes out. As for the carpet, I am thinking there is no point in cleaning it today. Maybe when spring is over….
So, we won one and lost one today! It’s a learning experience and we are learning a lot everyday!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Watching t.v.

I just had to share this picture with you all. This is Bennett watching t.v. last week. How cute are they?

Our first "dog show"

4H sponsored a kiddie dog show at the Rock County Fair Grounds this past Saturday, called a Fun Match. Brady was very excited to get to do something special with Journey. He got up extra early Saturday to make sure we wouldn't be late. Then he brushed Journey so she was looking her best.

When we arrived, Journey was happy to see her old friends, Carbon and Venture. They were sure to get in a little play time before the events started.

Brady was awesome with Journey. He seemed so mature out there. What happened to my little six year old?
The show ended with Bennett tripping on the uneven surface, smacking his face on the ground, and getting a bloody nose. Not too fun. But, he got a first place ribbon and a helicopter which made it all better. Brady went home with two first place ribbons which he was awfully proud of.

A little lovin' from Journey always makes everything better.

Just look at these well behaved Custom Canine puppies :) How can't you love them? Carbon is looking for a puppy raiser in case anyone is interested.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Couldn't be a happier little boy today!

Journey is back!!

Thursday, after two no so happy mornings around here, Marlene, the trainer called for an intervention.She told me that it would be best if Journey came to stay with her so she could get this under control. I told her we would tough it out. I felt like I was wimping out on this whole puppy thing. If this were my child, I wouldn't send her away if she were making a mess of my house. We had started her on a diet of hamburger and rice, and that seemed to be helping, but maybe it wasn't enough. Maybe I was missing something. After some discussion, I agreed that a little vacation for Journey might be best for everyone.

She seemed to be getting better right from the start when she left our house. She was probably ecstatic to be with her little puppy friends again, Carbon and Venture. But there were two little boys here who were missing Journey terribly. After getting the all clear from her trainer today, Rick went and picked her up.  I know one little boy that is glad to have his puppy back. Poor Journey on the other hand just wants to sleep. She will probably have to wait until tonight :)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Not a good morning.

So my perfect angel puppy got sick last night. She had two accidents in the living room and her crate was a mess this morning, and that is putting it mildly. Rick managed to give her a bath before he left for work and I got the pleasure of cleaning out the crate. Not an easy task for me with it being winter and all, no hose, and no stationary tub at our house.  Now, the poor puppy is confined to an area in the kitchen that keeps getting smaller by the minute because she is like Houdini, my little escape artist.

Did I mention Bennett had therapy this morning? His case worker was here, and someone from the school district to evaluate him. I would have cancelled if I could have. I might have been a little on edge this morning, but I am slowly getting over it. I felt really bad when Bennett's therapist came in and said how is Journey and Bennett replied with, "Mom's gonna give her back."

On a happy note, she hasn't had an accident yet today. She is comfortably sleeping on her doggie bed in the kitchen as we speak. We have puppy class tonight so I hope she is feeling better. She ate her breakfast and drank one bowl of water already this morning. Things are looking better, and the sun is shining brightly. What more could you ask for?

Marlene, the trainer, wanted me to post pictures of Journey in jail. She was so shocked Journey didn't try to eat my chairs.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Journey in the snow

It has been three days since Journey arrived…

Let’s go back to Friday. The boys were so excited to pick Journey up that they were counting down the minutes until we had to leave to get her.  I, on the other hand, felt like I was going to be sick the whole day. I was so nervous about this new adventure we were about to embark on. How was I going to help raise a puppy that would become Bennett’s K-9 companion? We had a dog when I was a child, but that is as far as my experience with dogs goes.
I was on my way to the Dawg Zone to pick Journey up. The roads were a little slick from the freshly fallen snow. The boys were giggling the whole way. When we arrived, Brady put Journey on a leash and took over like a pro. I’ll admit I was far from ready to leave with this puppy. After about an hour of Q&A, I figured it was now or never.
We arrived at home and Journey settled in like she never left and it’s been smooth sailing ever since.

Saturday…I decided to leave the puppy raising up to Rick and the boys for the day. I needed the day to convince myself this would all work out for the best. Journey and Bennett were brought together for a reason.
After seeing the boys interact with her, my doubts were put to rest. Journey is so calm. The only thing I have heard her bark at was a balloon and the plant when one of her toys went behind it.  How could you not love this dog? She is perfect J

Sunday….We took Journey on her first outing. We went to Jefferson to meet Bennett’s grandparents. As expected, Journey’s behavior was flawless. No accidents in a new environment. No barking. No jumping. Flawless. I can only hope and pray that she stays this way. I even set off the smoke alarm last night and she didn’t even bark at that. She ran up to it and sat there staring at it while Rick fanned the smoke away. Oh, and in case you were wondering, it was wooden skewers that set the smoke alarm off, nothing to do with my fabulous cooking.

Monday….Journey played in the sunny outdoors for quite awhile. She loves this ball that Brady plays fetch with her with. Today, unfortunately, she had to play fetch with herself because Brady was at school and Bennett can’t handle the sun reflecting on the snow. She did a pretty good job.  She is still accident free today, fingers crossed!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Journey is coming home!

Tonight, a very special little puppy will move into her forever home, Journey. We are very excited.

OK, let's get serious...I am very nervous. It will be like having another child. Mentally, I was preparing myself for this to happen around the beginning of March. Because she has exceeded all of the trainer’s expectations, it seems she is ready now. Am I?? I guess we will see.

We have had her for two nights, at which point, I was on edge. "Where's Journey?" "She better not be peeing in the house." "Is she eating something?" "No, don't let her chew on that!" And the list goes on. I know, I know, we are not the first people to get a puppy as my husband kindly reminded me. She has been with her trainer for the past month and a half. She is basically house broken. When she does get a hold of the boys’ toys, one simple no is all she needs and she leaves it alone, except for Bennett's cars, which she seems to be a fan of. They have something in common :) I know I should relax, it’s just hard.

Tonight, Journey will begin to bond with Bennett. I know that will make all of my negative thoughts disappear. It will all be worth it and then some.

Come on this journey with us. Enjoy the ride! I know we will!!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Thank you!

Sunset Goldens of Villa Park, IL donated Journey to Custom Canines Service Dog Academy specifically for Bennett. Thank you Sunset Goldens!

Why a service dog?

Some people have been wondering what a service dog will do for Bennett. Here are our hopes.

Bennett has no vision in his left eye after an unsuccessful cornea transplant, and has 20/200 vision in his right eye with congenital glaucoma, so it could worsen as time goes on. Because only one eye is working, he has no depth perception and making his way around in new situationswithout his cane, which he only uses on occasion, is difficult. His occupational therapy sessions have been getting less successful lately because if he can't see something, he just gives up, lays down on the carpet, and tells his therapist he is tired and it's time for her to leave. With him being 3 soon, and school eventually starting for him, we need to do something for him now. He is a social child, but goes into complete panic mode if he doesn't know where Rick or I am at all times. If there are large groups, he refuses to walk among the crowds but insists on being carried. It is a confidence issue. We are hoping a service dog  is exactly what could help him in situations like this.

With frequent visits to the eye doctor and possible eye surgeries in the future, Bennett needs to know he has someone that will be on his side, someone to help him stay brave, someone he can hug when things just aren't going his way, and someone to help him believe everything will be o.k. When life gets rough, and it will for a child with a disability, he will have Journey. She will be his "Forever Friend." I have seen and heard first hand what service dogs do for children, how they improve a child's quality of life, and I am filled with hope for Bennett's future with Journey.

Thank you to all who have donated to Custom Canines. Without you, Journey would not have been possible. We have been blessed. To anyone that is still interested in sending a donation, here is the information:
Custom Canines
6610 Fieldwood Rd.
Madison, WI  53718
General donations are welcome, but if you would like your donation to be specifically earmarked for Bennett and Journey, please indicate that on the check.